Tuesday 30 September 2014

Mood board of ideas

These are the different ideas for the music video, the images show the variety of scenes that the video may include from scenes at an empty parking lot, grocery store to the sunset at the beach. I feel that the images in the mood board bring together the idea of youth and fun, where making the most of the day seems to be the most important.

Annotation of Lyrics

This is the individual annotation of the lyrics where we express our ideas towards the songs and what the lyrics could possibly mean.

Monday 29 September 2014

Song Lyrics

Artist: NONONO
Title: Pumpin Blood

Hey heart, on the road again, moving on, forward
Sticks and stones won't break the bones
They're in the car, on the highway
It's so magical, feeling, that no one's got a hold
You're a catalyst to your own happiness you know

This is your heart, it's alive
It's pumpin' blood
It's your heart, it's alive
It's pumpin' blood
And the whole wide world is whistling
And it's whistling

Hey heart, on the run again, driving strong, forward
See the stars, won't take his course
Got the band in the front seat
It's the best of world's feeling, like nothing can go wrong
Hear the sirens, the world, you catching on

Cause it's your heart, it's alive
It's pumpin' blood
It's your heart, it's alive
It's pumpin' blood
And the whole wide world is whistling

Hey heart, won't you run again
On the highway, on the highway
Hey heart, won't you run again
On the highway, on the highway

Cause it's your heart, it's alive
It's pumpin' blood
And it's your heart, it's alive
It's pumpin' blood
And the whole wide world is whistling
it's whistling
it's whistling
it's whistling

Saturday 27 September 2014

Final Chosen Song

Artist: NONONO
Title: Pumpin Blood

This is our final song choice as it was the song that we felt we had the most ideas for.

Friday 26 September 2014

Three Potential Songs

The Naked & Famous- Young blood
      ·         Upbeat, fast pace editing
       ·         Lyrics don’t match with our ideas
       ·         Talks a lot about young love, stereotypical
       ·         Concept is more to a dance tune, difficult to turn it into a performance video

Rosie Lowe- Water came down
      ·         Beat is good for editing                              
      ·         slow pace song

       ·         Dark theme, lyrics doesn’t make sense e.g. ‘building bridges, burn them’
       ·         Lyrics hard to match with visuals

NONONO- Pumpin Blood (final choice)

     ·         Fast editing pace
     ·         Song has potential for video ideas
     ·         Meaningful lyrics
     ·         Relatable to youth theme


Monday 15 September 2014

Codes & Conventions Research Task

This is the codes and conventions research task where I have analysed four music videos from three chosen genres- Pop, Rock and R&B. The presentation includes what I have found to be the conventions for each genre and to learn to be able to apply this into my music video project.
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Tuesday 2 September 2014

Textual Analysis: Music Video

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Andrew Goodwin's Music Video Conventions

  • There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals 
  • Lots of close-ups of the main artist 
  • Artist develops their own star iconography 
  • Reference to voyeurism 
  • A relationship between the music and visuals 
  • Performance/ narrative based 
  • Intertextual references
  • The use of the conventions of specific genres having their own style and iconography 

Monday 1 September 2014


The Brief
A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with:

  • Cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package)
  • Magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)
My aims for this blog is to be able to show you how I prepared my music video through the research, planning and presentation.