Wednesday 24 December 2014

Final Music Video Feedback

This is the feedback we have received when showing our target audience our final music video.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Final Music Video

In producing our final music video, we have produced changes in the video through the feedback we received. This is the final product.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Organisation of Photoshoot

This is the email conversation between me and my group, where we plan on what day is best for everyone to do the photo shoot.  

Friday 12 December 2014

Logo designs and results

Title 1

Title 2
Title 3

These are the results for the logo designs poll where I have emailed potential target audiences for my genre (indie-pop), as you can see from the image below Title 2 had the most votes and this shows that it would be the best font to use for the band's name. 

Thursday 11 December 2014

Music Video draft

This is our first draft for the music video, in this video we have used the feedback we received to make changes and produced our first draft.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Evidence of Editing

These are our evidence of editing the music video, we have taken photos while we were editing and put it together in a .gif format. The video below also shows a screen recording, where we are editing the first scene for our music video. 


Tuesday 9 December 2014

Feedback Response

This is our feedback response, and from the response we gathered the areas where we needed improvement on were editing and timing. Our group talks about what we need to do in terms of the filming and editing from receiving the feedback and hope that our final music video will be much better and improved.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Vlog Diary: Behind the scenes

In order to help document our filming and production work, we have decided to incorporate this into a video log format also known as 'vlogging'. Through vlogging, we show behind the scenes footage of the filming process for our music video while we are in location. We also evaluate by talking about what went well and what could've been better e.g. weather conditions, more time.

What went well?
Filming for the timelapse scenes went well, even though we had a limited amount of time to film most of our shots went well as we were able to set up the tripod and start filming straight away.
What didn't go so well?
In filming these scenes, we encountered issues with the weather as we found it was really cold in filming the scenes outside. There were issues in setting up the tripod and the tripod not being levelled straight, this made the video footage not aligned which we ended up fixing when editing.

What went well?
In the airport scenes, we felt that shooting went really well especially as the lighting in the airport helped increase the natural lighting we were looking for due to the gloomy weather outside.
What didn't go so well?
In this scene, we felt that there was some shakiness in the video when we reviewed the footage on the computer, this could be due to not being able to use a tripod as filming inside the airport is not allowed. As the footage were shaky we had to edit and cut the scenes where it wasn't shaky.

What went well?
We felt that filming during the bumper cars session went well in terms of filming it as we used two cameras to film what was happening at the same time. Due to us going to the park on a weekday, there wasn't a lot of people that were there which we thought was very helpful for us as it wasn't hard to shoot establishing shots of the park.
What didn't go so well?
Due to it being at the peak of the winter season, it was a really cold night the day we went to the park which sort of hindered our planned activities as we felt that some parts of the amusement park scenes of having fun and enjoying did not come across in the video footage.

What went well?
The time we went to Southend was during the morning, we felt that this helped us greatly as the footage came out beautifully when reviewed on the computer. The use of the smoke bombs came out really well in the footage especially as it lasted longer than we expected it to.
What didn't go so well?
We had time constraints as we had to get back to school, resulting in a rush and limited time of filming the beach scenes. When we reviewed the footage back, we found that the lighting in one of our scenes were very dark which were not able to tell when shooting. We also encountered problems in operation the smoke bombs as the second smoke bombs we used failed to work, which held us back especially because our time was limited.

What went well?
As we had gathered all of the footage for the music video, when filming the studio scene it made it easier to film the projector scenes as we could use what we had filmed beforehand and project this. The studio was able to provide all the equipment we needed for us, which is made it easier to concentrate on how to shoot the studio scene instead of finding a way of transporting the props to the studio e.g. music instruments.
What didn't go so well?
We were only able to book the studio for two hours, which made filming in the studio a rush, especially because there was only 4 of us in total with 3 of them being the band members. This made it harder to shoot.

Vlog diary: Screen test

This is our behind the scenes footage in producing the screen test for our main artist, as we test on how she is in front of the camera and on whether the song fits her image well.

What went well?
Shooting the screen test was successful in terms of the artist being able to familiarise themselves with the song faster than expected, we were also able to test our camera skills by being to test what the angles would look best for the artist.
What didn't go so well?
The artist came across as shy in the footage, although this may be due to her being exposed to the camera for the first time.