Sunday 2 November 2014

Risk Assessment

Production Title: Pumpin Blood     Assessor: Kenya Mendoza
Date: 03/11/14                                  Locations: Southend, Liverpool Street & Canary Wharf Station, Studio

Who is at risk?
Level of Risk
Control measure to be implemented


Crew and actors


Making sure that the sparklers are handled safely as it could lead to safety problems in injuring and burning the person

Stations (Liverpool Street & Canary Wharf)

Crew and actors


As the stations become overcrowded due to rush hour, the crew could be injured while filming these scenes due to the large amount of people where they could get squashed and trampled on. The crew should always be on a lookout that they are not in the way to prevent this from happening.

Stations (Liverpool Street & Canary Wharf) 

The product (camera, equipment)


Making sure that the product is mounted on the tripod safely, due to the large crowds the camera may end up falling and breaking. In order to prevent this, the camera and equipment should be stored safely at all times.


Crew and actors


Checking the weather the day before filming, to ensure the weather is in good filming conditions

Theme Park 

Crew and actors


Ensure that all crew and actors are safe during filming in the theme parks where it involves going on rides. To prevent any accidents, rides that are deemed too dangerous for filming should be avoided.

On location (beach scene)

Crew and actors


Scenes for the video include running around by the beach with a group of friends, actors could be injured due to tripping and to prevent this would ensure that the area is clear/safe enough to run around in.


Crew and actors


While filming in the train, the actors and crew members could be injured or left behind. To prevent this, must make sure all crew and actors board the train together.

Band equipment

Crew and actors


Band equipment should be stored safely and should be placed in areas where it is less likely to cause any accidents. In order to do this, there must be a limited amount of people walking around while the band equipment is out to try and prevent any accidents.

Electrical wires

Crew, actors and product (lighting and camera)


If electrical wires are exposed, it could lead to the crew and actors tripping and causing injuries. It can also disturb filming as footage could be lost or the loss of lighting could interrupt a scene.


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