Thursday 5 February 2015

Final Digipak

This is the Digipak I have created for the band 'BLACKOUT'. The main colour scheme throughout the album is mainly black and white, which is commonly seen in the indie-genre. However, as this band specifically belongs to the indie-pop genre, I have added hints of salmon pink into my album to give audiences a glimpse into what the band's music is like. The meaning behind the album name 'SPECTRUM' stands for 'a band of colours, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength'' . In the context of the band's album, I have chosen the name to make it ironic, that the album name is completely different to the theme throughout the entire digipak. I feel that this will attract audiences more, especially as the name of the band is 'BLACKOUT'. Spectrum would mean that the music and sound that band produces in this album has a range of tones and musical styles within the indie-pop genre. The photo I have chosen for my album cover, makes the band look serious and inviting at the same time, to show professionalism in terms of their attitude towards music and the photos inside the digipak are the complete opposite of this, showing the band 'having fun', with candid styled photos to show and enhance the personality of the members both individually and together as a band.

Final Album Advert

This is the album advert I have created to promote the band's debut album. I have used magazines such as Rolling Stone, Mojo, Q and NME as they are magazines that promote the indie-genre, which goes well with the band's music style. I have included the conventions needed for an album advert such as the band's website, album cover and name and record label company. I have also added a new feature where it promotes that it is available to buy on iTunes. This is because, it is more common to purchase albums digitally than it is to buy the physical copies. In order to help attract the audience attention, I have promoted the band's single 'pumpin' blood' where I have created a music video for. The album name is bigger than the band name, because it is one of the conventions for the indie genre as audiences are more into the quality of the album and music than who the artist is.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Evidence of Editing

These are evidence showing how I have edited both my digipak and album advert. As you can see from the .gif image below, I have used the overlay effect on photoshop reducing the opacity on one of the layers of the photo to be able to form an almost 3D and shadow-like effect.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Contact Sheet

This is the contact sheet I have produced. It includes the photos I have taken and will be using for my digipak and album advert.