Thursday 5 February 2015

Final Album Advert

This is the album advert I have created to promote the band's debut album. I have used magazines such as Rolling Stone, Mojo, Q and NME as they are magazines that promote the indie-genre, which goes well with the band's music style. I have included the conventions needed for an album advert such as the band's website, album cover and name and record label company. I have also added a new feature where it promotes that it is available to buy on iTunes. This is because, it is more common to purchase albums digitally than it is to buy the physical copies. In order to help attract the audience attention, I have promoted the band's single 'pumpin' blood' where I have created a music video for. The album name is bigger than the band name, because it is one of the conventions for the indie genre as audiences are more into the quality of the album and music than who the artist is.

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