Friday 10 October 2014

Initial Focus Group/Response

This is our initial focus group where we asked them questions regarding our ideas for the music video and what they think we could do to improve and make it better in terms of how to visualize the ideas.

Questions asked:
What do you think of the song?
What do you think of our initial ideas?
How do you think we should represent the band, referring to our genre?
What do you think about our theme, 'youth'?
How else could we represent this in our video?

The feedback for the focus group helped to give us ideas on what we could include into the music video such as filming during night time till dawn to suit our concept, filming scenes in a car as they felt it suited the theme of youth the most. They also liked our ideas and concept for the music video and felt that it suited best with the genre and style of the song we have chosen, this is able to help us see that it would appeal to our target audience as the age group for our focus group is similar. However, they felt we could improve on the development of the narrative and be able to showcase this more into the video.

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