Wednesday 29 October 2014

Star Image Moodboard and Artist Profile

This is who our main singer would be, and how she would look like during the filming process out of the studio. These are also the outfits that the band would wear; it is based on our clothes, so therefore it would be comfortable, and easy to wear. Due to the cold weather during our filming times, it would be appropriate that the band would wear the outdoor coats when hanging outside. We as a group were looking for a minimalistic look therefore the colours are neutral and blend well together. The middle image is what our main singer would look like when wearing her outdoor clothing. 

This would be the outfits the band would wear inside the studio. We as a group were discussing how when we film the studio scene for the chorus, we would wear all black, especially if we are going to project pictures/videos onto us, it would then come out clearer. The black colour also connotes a rebellious look, and due to our genre being indie it fits into the category. The top right hand corner is my photo which would symbolise what the band would actually look like.


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